The Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation (“PAEDC”) was established by the City of Port Arthur pursuant to the Development Corporation Act. The PAEDC is a separate legal entity from the City of Port Arthur and is managed by the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors. PAEDC is seeking responses to this Request for Proposals to appoint a PAEDC Attorney for an initial term of three (3) years. The position of PAEDC Attorney is an administrative officer of the PAEDC and is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors.
The PAEDC is seeking individual attorneys or firms to respond to this RFP (Respondents) who have the requisite experience to perform the basic services described in this RFP themselves or in conjunction with members of their firm. Interested Respondents must adhere to the General Instructions and the Proposal Stipulations and Requirements as outlined in this Request for Proposals (RFP).
The Legal Counsel Services contract is anticipated to be awarded by the PAEDC Board of Directors and approved by the City of Port Arthur City Council in July, 2022. The PAEDC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The PAEDC also reserves the right to waive any irregularity, informality, or technicality in the statements of qualifications in the PAEDC’s best interest.
We appreciate your efforts and look forward to reviewing your submission.