The Youth Employment Program is designed to provide a learning environment outside the classroom, for the transfer of concepts, principles, theories and models learned by the student in a professional practice setting. While meeting the academic needs of the student, the employment program also establishes a closer relationship with businesses and practitioners, provides a conduit for the exchange of contemporary thinking and insights among the companies, students, practitioners, and provides service to the community. In doing so, the Employment Program compliments the mission of the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation Job Training Program, the Students, and Local Schools.
The Port Arthur Economic Development Youth Employment Program is open to students who are residents of the City of Port Arthur and 2023 graduates of High School. The goal of this Employment Program is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in a business environment closely relative to their field of study. Participants generally will find the experience to be rewarding and interesting.
The Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation will pay an hourly salary to all participants. Participants will be responsible for their own living accommodations and transportation. Most positions will be located within the City of Port Arthur, Texas (some positions could be offered in Beaumont or other nearby communities) and will be a maximum of eight weeks in duration.
The Port Arthur Youth Employment Program will be made available to 2023 High School Graduates who are Port Arthur residents and authorized and eligible to work in the United States.
To be eligible for the PAEDC Youth Employment Program, preferred candidates will have been enrolled in a Career and Technology program at their respective high school during the 2022-2023 school year. The candidate must also receive a referral by their C&T program instructor.
Youth must complete and submit completed application for consideration on or before April 10, 2023 to EDC staff. Interested individuals should submit application and a copy of a form of identification verifying residency to:
Ranoda McClain-Lee
Attn: Youth Employment Program
501 Procter Street, Ste. 100
Port Arthur, Texas 77640
Or to: rmcclain-lee@paedc.org
There will be a maximum of thirteen (13) positions offered by the Port Arthur Economic Development. The program will be an active service learning process designed to apply theory, concepts, models and technical/clinical skills in a professional practice setting. The setting of the participant will be businesses under the close supervision of professionals who are both credentialed and practice in the student’s area of study.
There are no uniform start dates for employment assignments. Employment will be made available starting June 5, 2023 and will last a maximum of 8 weeks. All employment will end on or before September 1, 2023.
Salary will be limited to $18.00-$20.00 per hour and will be limited to 40 hours per week. Participants will not be paid for any hours worked over 40 hours per week, and cannot earn more than 320 hours of pay during employment.
The program is a work experience that meets partial on-the-job-training in student’s field of study in hopes that this experience will enable them to compete more successfully for future employment. EDC Staff will make every effort to match participants with businesses in their field of study. By the end of the summer employment, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate that he or she has integrated theory with practice in his or her academic area of study.
- Broaden his or her philosophy and understanding of their area of study.
- Gain an understanding and appreciation of the roles, duties, legal and ethical responsibilities of a full-time professional in their area of study.
- Observe and gain experience in leadership, supervisory, or administrative functions and in human relations.
- Evaluate his or her strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies for improvement.
Youth Participant to Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation
- Inform the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation of address, phone, e-mail and name changes. This responsibility begins at the time the student submits application and continues through the end of the employment
- Complete all progress reports accordingly and in a timely manner
- Consult with PAEDC on issues relating to Summer Employment Training objectives
- Conduct self in professional manner, both legally and ethically. The actions of the participant reflect on the Program.
Youth Participant to the Businesses
- Provide appropriate forms to the Business that are required by the Program
- Comply with conditions set forth in the Program and the procedures of the Business
- Conform with regulations pertaining to employees of the business and carry out all assignments
- Maintain client confidentiality
- Evaluate each day’s activities, interactions, and events
- Prepare for a weekly meeting with the Business Supervisor. Ask questions and present constructive ideas
- Plan thoroughly and in advance for all assignments
- Notify the Business Supervisor well in advance in cases of absence from employment
- Be respectful, courteous, and tactful to co-workers and clients
- Consult with the Business Supervisor when confronted with problems that cannot be solved alone
- Consider self as a member of the Business work team
Businesses to the Youth Participant and to the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation
- Complete an agreement that delineates general responsibilities, dates and hours of work, and the student’s role and responsibilities in the Business
- Shall not discriminate against any Employee based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, gender identity, or disability
- Provide a safe work environment free from harassment, hostile work environment and prohibit the use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace or during the Summer Employment
- Present to the participant an overview of the Business’ purposes, policies, administration, program, and facilities
- Confer with the participant prior to and during employment to determine his/her responsibilities
- Inform the participant of all regulations he or she must follow
- Present the participant to the Business staff as a colleague to insure his or her status
- Orient the participant to the community including its political, religious, economic, social and ethnic background
- Assign a Supervisor for the participant
- Make contact with the Summer Youth Participant at the beginning of employment and periodically thereafter
- Make oral and/or written contact with the participant periodically throughout employment
- Evaluate and provide feedback on written progress reports completed by the participant
- Maintain open communication with the Summer Youth participant pertaining to employment, especially in the event that problems arise
- Gradually induct the participant into the employment experience, beginning with observations and minor duties, adding more responsibilities as the summer continues
- Meet with the participant on a weekly basis for the purpose of discussing the participant’s progress and the appropriateness of the participant’s responsibilities
- Maintain open communication with the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation pertaining to the program, especially in the event of problems
- Evaluate and provide suggestions to the participant on each Progress Report the participant submits to Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation
Application Deadline: April 15, 2022
YEP Policies & Procedures 2023 | PDF YEP 2023 APPLICATION | PDF